Monday, 16 July 2012

Day 1 (16 July 2012) - Interest & Inspiration

The feeling was great walking into yesterday's class.  I have  heard plentiful about this module from my friends from the previous BSc classes.  I was expected to learn a lot in class and they were right, I did!

As I have mentioned before in my reflections that I was sceptical about my ability in understanding Mathematics, it's beginning to gradually diminished after last night's lesson.  My fear has began to fade a little and I am enjoying every minute of the lesson.  The math problems posted were intriguing and had all of us busy cracking our heads to find solution. 

The ultimate learning points from the lesson was geeting in-depth knowledge of how children learn Mathematics and learning the "BIG IDEAS" in Mathematics.   Of course having to know about the CPA helps me to remember how children learn depending on their development stages from concrete to pictorial to abstract. Not forgetting about variability to carefully provide appropriate materials for learning.

The Obedient Card activity has inspired me most to wanting to know more about how one mathematician could perform "Magic Trick".  I was impressed how the numbers could be arranged to created so much learning to take effect.  Being a non logical thinker, if not for my peers in class, burning our brain cells together, I would have given up the task trying to figure out how the cards should be arranged. I guess that was what it meant in the first two chapters of the textbook lesson which wrote about encouraging sharing of ideas to solve problems and accepting the different methods of getting an answer.   I felt less threaten working with my peers.  In fact I felt Math is fun, at this moment, and if that is how I felt, what more could children feel? 

What interesting is, I, a Math hopeless, was able to come up with a method to solve the first activity, which later some of my peers are using it and called it "May's Method". Awww... so sweet.  With this, I end my thoughts for the day and I will be looking forward to more excitement this evening and grasp as much learning as possible.

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