Monday, 23 July 2012

Final Reflection

Learning Mathematics has always been my weaknesses and therefore teaching it has never been my forte.  Nevertheless, I have acquire plentiful of "Big Ideas" from this module and picking 3 is not difficult.  I could probably go on and on if not restricted to write only 3 learning points. 

So I would say below are some of the BIG IDEAS that I have learnt throughout the whole week:

1) The use of countable verses the uncountable nouns. Example, counting 1 chairs, 2 chairs are countable nouns but counting 1 chair, 2 tables are uncountable nouns.

From this lesson, I have learnt that the use of language interferes with the way Mathematics are taught to the children. In our context where our children are still in the emergent stage of learning mathematics, it would best avoid using interfering or distracting variables for counting that would create confusion.

2) Jerome Bruner's Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) Approach

Learning the importance of this approach to sequence activities to help children learn mathematics is critical.  Using concrete to make relations to solving mathematical problems in real-life situations connecting to their prior knowledge is essential. Followed by using pictorial in diagrams, graph, drawings, as visual representation and finally abstract where workings with symbols to provide a shorter solution to problem solve the mathematical operations.

3) Differentiated Instructions

It had always been a fast forward experiences for our children when it comes to learning Mathematics.  We had never had enough time for differentiated learning as we have a syllabus to complete.  Teachers were not given time to reflect and exercise observation to notice the weaker students to help them to assimilate what was taught in the class, much less, give them the opportunity to explore the possibilities in getting answers. At least it happened in my school's setting.  But now, I would be able to help my teachers be aware of the CPA Approach to plan lessons that could accommodate learning for both struggling and achieving students with the intention of using mathematics to train their minds.

Most import message I gather from this course that my goals as an educator in mathematics are to be able to prepare children's mind to visualize, have good numbers sense, to see patterns and to develop their spirit to enable them to have the ability to see perspectives in search for possibilities.

My 2 questions for extended knowledge would be:

1) My school is beginning to see an influx of foreign students, especially from China who came with no  or little knowledge of English.  Most of them arrive to join us in the K2's level.  How is it possible for them to solve a Math story problems?

2)  Take the example of Patterns, is there an appropriate length of study for particular concept before we move on to the next? 

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